Session Attendees

Attending: 122

Loretta Anders's picture
Loretta Anders
Marisol Andrada's picture
Marisol Andrada
Conference Attendee's picture
Conference Attendee
Chemical Education Xchange
ChemEd X impersonator, used for testing
Evangelos Bachanos
Jenelle Ball's picture
Jenelle Ball
John Baluyut's picture
John Baluyut
Omar Barberena
Megan Bartley
Dana Beatty
Anne Bernat's picture
Anne Bernat
Elyria Catholic High School
Barbara Besal's picture
Barbara Besal
First Colonial High School
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Rebecca Black's picture
Rebecca Black
Bonnie Bloom's picture
Bonnie Bloom
Hilliard Davidson High School
Collin Broekhuis's picture
Collin Broekhuis
Cross Trainers Academy
High School Science teacher that enjoys science, sports, and life in general.
Corina Brown
Sylvester Burton
Georgia State University
Samantha Carney's picture
Samantha Carney
Sharon Cates's picture
Sharon Cates
Capital High School, Boise Idaho
Andrea Christianson's picture
Andrea Christianson
Milton High School Milton, WI
High School Chemistry Teacher
Kurt Colling's picture
Kurt Colling
Alix Crockett's picture
Alix Crockett
Matt Cross's picture
Matt Cross
Dayna Doskocil's picture
Dayna Doskocil
Youngker High School
Kristen Drury's picture
Kristen Drury
Del Ehemann's picture
Del Ehemann
Sharon Farrell
Corinne Fish's picture
Corinne Fish
Declan Fleming's picture
Declan Fleming
Leonard Freidhof's picture
Leonard Freidhof
Eastland High School - Lanark Il
If I can't model it, I don't know it.
Jakob Gailitis's picture
Jakob Gailitis
Anne Gillies's picture
Anne Gillies
Fordson High School
University of Michigan
Bryna Goeckner's picture
Bryna Goeckner
Eileen Gratkins
Red Mountain High School
Chemistry and Physics Modeler
Jay Grosshuesch's picture
Jay Grosshuesch
Plymouth High School; Plymouth, WI
Jason Gulledge's picture
Jason Gulledge
Stephanie Gutshall's picture
Stephanie Gutshall
South Fayette High School, McDonald, PA
Helaine Hager's picture
Helaine Hager
Greg Hambley's picture
Greg Hambley
Medway H.S. - Arva, ON Canada
Sharon Hannah
Grace Hanners's picture
Grace Hanners
Huntingtown High School
Bernadette Harkness
Stephanie Harman's picture
Stephanie Harman
Susan Hauenstein
Stanwood High School (Stanwood, WA)
Brian Hayes's picture
Brian Hayes
Andrea Hazelton
Jan Hermansen's picture
Jan Hermansen
South Summit High School, UT
Supporting Jr. and 7th grade children in activities, reading, sewing/quilting, teaching
Clara Heyder
Melissa Highfill
Bethany Hoff's picture
Bethany Hoff
Jon Holmes's picture
Jon Holmes
Chemical Education Xchange
University of Wisconsin–Madison, Emeritus
central should be easier to learn and teach
Jeremy Horner's picture
Jeremy Horner
Carmel High School, Carmel, IN
Dana Hsi's picture
Dana Hsi
International Community School, WA State
Trying to teach the way Neil deGrasse Tyson speaks.
Janyce Huff
Van Andel Education Institute
Suzanne Irwin's picture
Suzanne Irwin
Elizabeth Jacob
Adam Jarrett
London Central Secondary School
Ryan Michael's picture
Ryan Michael
Alex Kararo's picture
Alex Kararo
Purdue University
W. Cary Kilner's picture
W. Cary Kilner
University of New Hampshire
Retired HS chemistry teacher; working on how to assist life-science students in negotiating Chem-Math
Jo King's picture
Jo King
Heritage High School, Frisco, TX
Sarah Kong's picture
Sarah Kong
Martina Kroll's picture
Martina Kroll
Cistercian Preparatory School, Irving, TX
Thomas Kuntzleman's picture
Thomas Kuntzleman
Spring Arbor University
Chemical Educator, science experimenter, entropy generator
Mary Lamar's picture
Mary Lamar
Cheryl Litman's picture
Cheryl Litman
Michele Lumsden's picture
Michele Lumsden
Marian Marley
Teresa Marx's picture
Teresa Marx
Weymouth High School (Weymouth, MA)
I use Modeling Instruction in my general Chemistry classes. I also teach Organic and Biochemistry electives. I'm hoping to implement standards-based grading next year.
Ben Meacham's picture
Ben Meacham
Jeremy Meisinger's picture
Jeremy Meisinger
Glenbard South High School
Louise Meyer's picture
Louise Meyer
St. Joseph Catholic Academy
Mandy Migchels
Erika Mills's picture
Erika Mills
Paul Mollinger's picture
Paul Mollinger
Rick Nelson's picture
Rick Nelson
Co-Author, Calculations In Chemistry (W.W.Norton), Website and blog at www.ChemReview.Net
Alissa Nevin's picture
Alissa Nevin
Dripping Springs High School
Chemistry Teacher
Stephanie O'Brien's picture
Stephanie O'Brien
Commack High School, New York
NSTA AACT STANYS- Chemistry SAR IB Chemistry Teacher
Kevin O'Halloran
Marcos Perez's picture
Marcos Perez
Anna Pierce's picture
Anna Pierce
Erica Posthuma's picture
Erica Posthuma
University High School of Indiana
American Modeling Teachers Association
High School Chemistry teacher using Modeling Instruction.
Alice Putti
Jessica Reed's picture
Jessica Reed
Kathryn Ribay's picture
Kathryn Ribay
Scott Robowski's picture
Scott Robowski
Amy Roediger's picture
Amy Roediger
Erin Rouse's picture
Erin Rouse
Desert View HS
Sherri Rukes's picture
Sherri Rukes
Libertyville High School
AACT President-elect
Polymer Ambassador
Gregory Rushton's picture
Gregory Rushton
Stony Brook University
Journal of Chemical Education
Chemistry professor interested in studying science teacher leadership formation and development
Suzanne Ryals's picture
Suzanne Ryals
Escambia County School District - Ferry Pass Middle School and Pensacola High School
All Who Wander Are Not Lost
Cristina Sacco's picture
Cristina Sacco
Wake Technical Community College (Raleigh, NC)
Emine Sahin
John Samonie's picture
John Samonie
Susan Schmidt's picture
Susan Schmidt
Ryan Schoenborn
Ariel Serkin's picture
Ariel Serkin
Norfolk County Agricultural High School
Hannah Sevian's picture
Hannah Sevian
University of Massachusetts Boston
Chemistry professor studying how students use chemistry to solve real-world problems, and ways that chemistry teachers guide classroom talk in formative assessment.
Heather Shafer
David Shelton's picture
David Shelton
Timpview High School
Wendy Snow's picture
Wendy Snow
Catherine Spinney's picture
Catherine Spinney
Michele Sprengnether's picture
Michele Sprengnether
Brian Stagg
Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Greenbelt, Maryland
Martin Stauffer's picture
Martin Stauffer
Gerri StClair's picture
Gerri StClair
Sullivan South High School, Kingsport, TN
Lauren Stewart's picture
Lauren Stewart
Michelle Stinnett's picture
Michelle Stinnett
BFA St Albans, VT
Courtney Struck
Eric Sullenberger's picture
Eric Sullenberger
Blake Thompson
Lindsay Turk's picture
Lindsay Turk
Sun Valley High School (Aston, PA)
Kaleb Underwood's picture
Kaleb Underwood
Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart
Twitter @kaleb_underwood
Melissa VanAlstine-Parris's picture
Melissa VanAlst...
Adelphi University
Mary VanOpstal's picture
Mary VanOpstal
Harper College
Amy Vavruska's picture
Amy Vavruska
Papillion-LaVista South High School
Sergio Velazquez
Millennium HIgh School, Goodyear, Arizona
High School Chemistry Teacher
Laura Wang
Kelly Warner's picture
Kelly Warner
Garrett Wenzelburger
Charles Wolf's picture
Charles Wolf
Lutheran HS North - Chemistry Instructor, Macomb Community College - Adjunct Professor
Erin Woulfe
Amanda Zullo's picture
Amanda Zullo