Welcome to the ChemEd X Team Resource! This space has been developed in response to contributors that asked for a collaborative space. This landing page is for announcements and general communications. Feel free to use the comment fields.
"Sessions" (pages) within this Team Resource offer content that are intended to support you.
- The Welcome to the ChemEd X Team Resource page offers information about using the platform.
- The ChemEd X Contributor Lounge is available for contributors to chat, get to know each other, look for inspiration, support other team members, find others to collaborate, ask non-urgent questions and more.
- The ChemEd X Contributor Resources page catalogs general resources for all team members.
You may have other ideas for this space or the associated sessions / pages. Some contributors have mentioned wanting a page to specifically collaborate on a specific topic. For instance, someone might ask to create a page for a small group to collaborate to create and vet assessment items. This is just one example. We can easily add individual sessions for things like that.
Figure 1: Attend the "Conference"
You must be logged into your account and "attending" the ChemEd X Team Resource. If you scroll back to the top of this page, you should see a green ATTEND button to the right of the ChemEd X Team Resource title (see figure 1). (If the gold colored LEAVE box is the view you see, then you are already attending.) This will allow you to receive notifications of announcements and other discussion that takes place on this page by email.
Accessing Sessions
You can access all of the sessions from the table below (see figure 2).The actual table can be found under the smiling faces of our associate editors.
In order to view all of the content of the sessions and to follow / engage in discussion, you need to choose ATTEND on the list of sessions near the bottom of this page. I have included the image in figure 2 to show you where the green ATTEND buttons are. (If you scroll down and cannot see the actual list of sessions below the photos of our AEs, you are likely not logged in or attending the "conference".)
Figure 2: ChemEd X Team Resource Sessions. Please choose to ATTEND these sessions.
Scroll down to the session list below. As mentioned above, choose the ATTEND option. If you are currently attending a session, you will see a Leave button. If you select the Leave button, you will leave the session and no longer receive notifications from that page. You can return at any time to modify your choice.
NOTE: Please note that at this time, the account information for this platform is not linked to your ChemEd X account. If you move between the conference platform and the ChemEd X site, you may need to log into both.

Thomas Kuntzleman

Stephanie O'Brien

Erica Posthuma
American Modeling Teachers Association